Home Nepali Calendar 2080 Nepali Calendar 2080 Poush

Nepali Calendar 2080 Poush

Nepali Calendar 2080 Poush
Nepali Calendar 2080 Poush

We have detail information of Nepali Calendar 2080 Poush. Nepali Patro पुष २०८०.

Nepali Calendar 2080 Poush

Following is the detail information of Nepali Calendar poush

Festivals and Holidays of Poush 2080

Following is the festival and holiday of poush 2080.

1st of Poush, 2080: Bibah Panchami, Sita Bibah Panchami Mela

6th of Poush, 2080: Kirtipur Ma Indrani Yatra

7th Of poush, 2080: Mokshyada Ekadashi

9th of Poush, 2080: Christmas Day

10th of Poush, 2080: Yomari Punhi, Urdhyauli Parba, Chandipurnima, Dhanyapurnima

15th of Poush, 2080: Tamu Lhochar

16th of Poush, 2080: New Year 2024

22nd of Poush, 2080: Safala Ekadashi

27th of Poush, 2080: Prithvi Jayanti, Rastriya Ekata Diwas, Tol Lhochar

List of Public Holidays of Nepal 2080: CLICK HERE

Hence, Bibah Panchami, Christmas Day, Urdhyauli Parba, Tamu Lhochar, Safala Ekadashi, etc are the festivals celebrated in the month of poushof 2080.

So, this are the information in Nepali Calendar 2080 Poush.

Marriage Date:

Dates: There is no marriage dates in the month of Poush 2080.

Bartabanda Dates

Dates: There is no marriage dates in the month of Poush 2080.

Other Important Links:

a. Nepali Patro Magh 2080: CLICK HERE

b. Nepali Calendar Falgun 2080: CLICK HERE

c. Nepali Calendar 2080: CLICK HERE

Frequently Asked Question

When is Urdhyauli Parba?

= Urdhyauli Parba is at 10th of poush, 2080

When is Prithvi Jayanti?

= Prithvi Jayanti is at 27th of poush, 2080.

When is Tamu Lhochar?

= Tamu Lhochar is at 15th of Poush, 2080.

When is Rastriya Ekata Diwas?

= Rastriya Ekata Diwas is at 27th of poush, 2080.

When is Safala Ekadashi?

= Safala Ekadashi is at 22nd poush, 2080.

When is New Year 2024?

= New Year 2024 is at 16th of poush, 2080.

When is Christmas Day?

= Christmas Day is at 9th of poush, 2080.