Home Nepali Calendar 2080 Nepali Calendar 2080 Chaitra

Nepali Calendar 2080 Chaitra

Nepali Calendar 2080 Chaitra
Nepali Calendar 2080 Chaitra

We have detail information of Nepali Calendar 2080 Chaitra. Nepali Patro चैत्र २०८०.

Nepali Calendar 2080 Chaitra

FOllowing is the Nepali Patro 2080.

Festival and Holidays in Chaitra 2080

Following are the festivals and holidays in the month of Chaitra 2080.

7th of Chaitra, 2080: Aamalaki Ekadashi

11th of Chaitra, 2080: Pahadi Jilla ma Holi, (Holidays in 56 districts of Himalayan, Hilly and inner Madhes)

12th of Chaitra, 2080: Terai Holi (Holiday in 21 districts of Terai )

23rd of Chaitra, 2080: Paap Mochani Ekadashi

26th of Chaitra, 2080: Ghode Jatra (Holiday in Ktm. Valley)

List of Public Holidays of Nepal 2080: CLICK HERE

Hence, Pahadi Jilla ma Holi, Terai Holi, Ghode Jatra (Holiday in Ktm. Valley) are the festivals that falls in the month of Chaitra, 2080.

Marriage Dates:

= There is no marriage dates in the month of Chaitra 2080.

Bartabanda Dates:

= 7,8 and 14 are the bartabanda dates of the Chaitra 2080.

Other Important Links:

a. Nepali Caneldar 2080: CLICK HERE

Frequently Asked Question

Following are the frequently asked question:

When is Pahadi Jilla ma Holi of 2080?

= Pahadi Jilla ma Holi is at 11th Chaitra, 2080.

When is Terai Holi 2080?

= Terai Holi is at 12 Chaitra, 2080.

When is Ghode Jatra (Holiday in Ktm. Valley)?

= Ghode Jatra (Holiday in Ktm. Valley) is at 26th of Chaitra, 2080.